Sunday, September 7, 2008

School is now in session

So Justin and I had a nice and reasonably relaxing summer and we thought that it would continue until late August. Then we found out last Sunday that classes would continue starting September 2!! Ahhhhhhh! Luckily Tacoma Bible College let us register late and we started classes last Tuesday. It was a bit of a shock to us but it's kind of nice being back in school and all of the classes we are taking we are very interested in. We are taking four classes per week so we will be very busy and we hope to see the light of day some time in November. There is some good news, I got my job back at Pioneer Elementary so I get to continue helping children learn how to read. Yay! It's funny because I applied to about 25 jobs this summer and heard nothing but I ended up back where I started. God had it in His plan all along but I needed to be faithful and persevere through the summer of uncertainty. He wants me to believe and say to others, with or without a job, God is good! "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near." Philippians 4:4-5.

Monday, September 1, 2008

"Czesc" Poland, here we come!

"Czesc"(cheshch) means "hi" in Polish. So Justin and I had dinner at Ryan and Amy's house with Doug and Lila Growth Monday night, it was wonderful. We had the opportunity to talk with Doug and Lila (missionaries in Poland) about what we would be doing on the short-term mission trip with them. As it turns out we would mainly be helping them hand out Christian literature to the general public going door-to-door in Krakow, a major city in Poland. They said we will have other things to do there and we'll see what that is as we get closer to the date. According to Doug, Poles have an easier time accepting things like Christian books from Americans as opposed to there own people. We are so excited to see what the Lord will do when we get to Poland but for now please pray:

1. That the Lord will prepare their hearts receive Him.

2. That we depend on God to properly prepare us for going to Poland.

3. For the quantitative and qualitative growth of the ministry that the Growth's have there.

4. For the funding to come in for the trip.

Our trip is set for March 19th and we will be there for two weeks.